Red Pineapple

Common names :

•Red Pineapple, Wild Pineapple(English)
•Ananas marron, Ananas requin, Ananas sauvage(French)

Scientific Classification :

•Kingdom- Plants
•Subkingdom- Tracheobionta;Vascular plants
•Superdivision- Spermataphyta; Seed plants
•Division - Magnoliophyta; Flowering plants
•Class- Liliopsida; Monocotyledons
•Subclass - Zingiberidae
•Order- Bromeliales
•Family - Brmeliaceae; Bromeliad family
•Genus - Ananas Mill; Pineapple
•Species - Ananas bracteatus

*It is native to South America( Brazil,     Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecudor)

Biological Charcteristics

Plants :

It is a short lived perennial terrestrial plant related the pineapple that grows up to about 90cm tall and 90-120cm wide. It takes 18 to 24  months from planting to fruit. The leaves are up to 1,5cm long and not over 40mm wide with sharp apines that curve up toward the leaf.

•Flowers :
This plant is monocarpic (it bears flowers only one time in a life). Usually the plant will bear one flower stalk at a time though there may be 2 or 3 heads.

The small violet- purple flowers emerge from between spiny, red or pink bracts on egg-shapped inflorescences.

The floral scape is up to about 50cm long, robust and straight, develops at the center of the rosette and ends with an inflorescence formed by showy, spiny, imbricate bracts, with serrate, pink or bright red margines, which surround the small violet-purple or reddish pink flowers and with, on the top, a thick coma( tuft of leaves)

It takes 6 months from flower ti ripe fruit and they fruit all year. The flowers are pollinated by humming-birds.

•Fruits :
The fruit is a small to medium. The skin is tough and waxy, brownish pink to scarlet in colour. The flesh is pink-yellow in colour. The fruit weight about less than 1kilo each and it picked when fully ripe.             

The Uses Of Red Pineapple :

•Food uses - the ripe fruit is edible.
•Ornamental uses - This plant is valuable oranamental bromeliads due to the beauty of the foliage and of the inflorescence and the facility of cultivation.
•Used as a security hedge - Its spiny leaves act as a security hedge.
•Other uses - In the origin countries, from the leaves they get particularly resistant fibres for ropes and textures and etc.

References :


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