George Keyt

George Keyt was a one of the modern painter which lived in Sri Lanka. He painted many more kind of paintings including different types of topics. This painting was also belongs to him. Though it called as a painting it has a special name. That name called "Mural" . The reason behind it that were painted on walls. This Mural belongs to "Gothami Vihara" in Sri Lanka. There was an ancient story based on this painting. It was a one of the most precious occasion of the life of Lord Buddha. This mural shows the "Birth of Buddha". According to my opinion this painter painted his mural by showing all the expressions & emotions lively in the human faces. Besides he used nice colour combination in his mural. He used light colours to get the lightening shine to his mural & used hard colours to show the shadows. Not only that he also painted nearest & farest things nicely. There also their juwellaries were painted in a amazing way. If a p...